Our Tutors


college tutors positive feedback

The Power of Positive Feedback

There are many different ways teachers and tutors can affect students’ experiences in the classroom and their ability to learn. One influential practice for improving students’ learning is the use of positive feedback. Students are constantly adjusting their learning style based on feedback from educators, parents, and classmates. According to Câmpean et al. (2024), positive feedback is a “deliberate and tactical form of praise that accentuates the specific abilities of each learner” (paragraph 4). We’ll examine the benefits of positive feedback, how to give it, and some examples.

Let’s explore why an educator would want to focus on positive feedback, as there are many benefits. The first advantage of positive feedback is that it builds student confidence and increases their sense of accomplishment. By pointing out what a student has already achieved, it makes the student feel good and reduces their anxiety. Positive feedback can remind students of how rewarding it feels to work hard and accomplish something. Another benefit of positive reinforcement is that it reinforces desirable behavior rather than punishing undesirable behavior. According to Stump et al. (2009), positive feedback is the stimulus or trigger for students developing productive values about their learning style and efforts. This helps students develop a growth mindset, which is “the belief that intelligence and skills can be developed through engagement and hard work” (Câmpean et al., 2024). When students believe they can improve their knowledge and abilities in this way, they are much more likely to become independent learners who need less guidance overall.

There are many different ways that educators can give positive feedback to students. The general idea is to recognize and point out when a student is showing effort, improving their academic skills, or using problem-solving skills. It’s also a great idea to praise behavioral skills like students communicating well, working in a group, or persevering through difficult situations. Feedback should be specific and sincere. Avoid giving praise that is too generic or could apply to any student, as it won’t be as meaningful or beneficial. One example of positive feedback would be pulling a student aside after class and saying, “I loved seeing you participate in our group discussion today. Your contributions added a lot to the class and introduced some ideas that the rest of the group hadn’t considered. Keep it up!”

According to current research, the power of positive feedback on students is significant. Positive feedback from educators can change a student’s mindset by pointing out success, improving motivation, reinforcing positive behaviors, and encouraging a growth mindset. Teachers and tutors should give specific and sincere feedback to students on a regular basis. The result is students who are more independent, resilient, and flexible.

Reference List

Câmpean, A., Bocoș, M., Roman, A., Rad, D., Crișan, C., Maier, M., Tăușan-Crișan, L., Triff, Z., Triff, D.-G., Mara, D., Mara, E.-L., Răduț-Taciu, R., Todor, I., Baciu, C., Neacșu, M.-G., Dumitru, I., Colareza, C. C., & Roman, C. E. (2024). Examining teachers’ perception on the impact of positive feedback on school students. Education Sciences, 14(3), 257. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci14030257

Stump, G., Husman, J., Chung, W.-T., & Done, A. (2009). Student beliefs about intelligence: Relationship to learning. 2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA, pp. 1-6. https://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2009.5350426 

college tutors staying motivated

Winter Slump: How to Stay Motivated

It’s easy for there to be a dip in students’ motivation.  Shorter days, colder temperatures, and post-holiday fatigue combined with a long winter break from school all contribute to students losing focus in school. Here are some tips to stay focused and energized:

Set new goals: “SMART” goals (e.g. goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) are a good way to keep students’ goals manageable.  Students can refresh their goals heading into the next semester.

Using a planner is a great way for students to manage their goals and stay on track.  Although most students opt for a digital planner, this doesn’t work for every student, so exploring pen and paper options is a must.  This can help students stay motivated by breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps. This could be anything from completing math homework in “chunks” of problems completed each night to studying for a test a few nights in advance to limit the amount of information entering the brain at once.  Setting specific, achievable goals can help students feel on track and motivated.  

Embrace consistent routines: A planner can help with this tip as well.  Routine creates stability that students need to stay on track during the winter.  Shorter days and cold, depressing weather can make losing track of time easy.  Students should plan regular study time and incorporate short breaks along the way to make studying feel like a natural part of the day.  Students should plan their routines around a time they are alert and have energy to get things done.  If the student is a morning person, perhaps waking up early to study is better.

Use a tutor as a source of motivation: Tutors are excellent at giving consistent instruction, support, and motivation.  They keep students on track during a session, hold students accountable for their own work, and can help them organize all the work they need to do.  Tutors also help build students’ confidence in subjects with which they struggle (and therefore are unmotivated to tackle).

Stay active, social, and energized: It’s easy for symptoms of depression to hit; we want to curl up and stay warm inside.  Staying physically active boosts energy levels and clears the mind. Use a study break to get some exercise (even a short walk or stretching) to help combat depressive symptoms and get your brain ready to get your work done.

Depressive symptoms can also be a result of isolation, which is easy to let happen when the weather is colder.  Students should stay connected to friends and family.  Students can try forming study groups, so they maintain their social lives while staying on task and motivated to complete schoolwork or to study—win-win!

Reflect and celebrate progress: Students should avoid focusing on what’s left to do, especially if they’re feeling a lack of motivation and falling behind.  Students should take a moment to reflect on their progress during the school year, and use this as a way to reignite their motivation.  This is the time for students to look back at their goals and what they;ve accomplished throughout the year so far.  Celebrating these accomplishments by rewarding them keeps students motivated and helps them “push through” the winter season.  The reward can be anything from some phone/screen time or video games to hanging out with friends or taking a night off from studying.

There’s an uphill battle with staying motivated during the winter, especially since it’s easier for depressive symptoms to loom.  By maintaining and keeping a routine that is in line with goals while staying active and social, students can make it through the dreary winter season motivated and on track.

studying for the ACT

How to Start Studying for the ACT

For many students, preparing for the ACT is daunting.  Most students know that it can be an important piece of their college application but don’t know where to start.  Here are a few tips to help relieve the overwhelming feeling of studying for such a big test:

Understand the test structure: Knowing the structure of the ACT is a major part of knowing how to study for it.  Currently, the test has five sections: English, math, reading, science, and optional writing.  There are some big changes happening to the ACT soon which will render the science section optional as well.  Students need to know the timing, content, layout, and types of questions that are asked.  The best part is that because the ACT is a standardized test, it has the same structure each time.

Take a diagnostic test: By taking a diagnostic test, students can see their strengths and weaknesses.  This isn’t limited to the content of the test itself (i.e. math concepts, grammar, etc.); students can also get a feel for how fast the test moves and gain insight to what strategies may work for them.  

Some College Tutors locations even offer a free diagnostic test to help students pinpoint the areas on which they need improvement!

Create a study schedule: It’s very important to consistently study for the ACT.  Even taking a week-long break from studying can set a student back.  “If you don’t use it, you lose it” is an applicable adage to preparing for the ACT.  Not only is the content itself difficult, but the timing and pacing are major aspects that need practice as well.  Practice makes perfect, and the ACT is no different.  Tutors who specialize in helping students prepare for the ACT help hold students accountable for practicing consistently which is perfect for those who aren’t self-motivated.

Use quality resources: Practice concepts, like grammar and math, using textbooks or online worksheets to hone in on the problem areas.  Using an ACT prep guide book (the official guide would be our recommendation) is an invaluable resource as it contains some common strategies and explains questions.  An ACT tutor is also a great resource as they tend to have ample experience with many ACTs and can help students identify types of questions and work on individualized strategies to maximize their score.

Practice time management: Time-management is a HUGE aspect of the ACT.  This test goes fast, and building speed goes hand-in-hand with understanding the test format and layout.  There are many ways to handle the pacing of the ACT, from splitting up timing among passages to skipping questions.  Don’t forget: each section of the ACT has a different number of questions and time limit, so it’s important to know how to pace yourself.

How Parents Can Help School Tutoring

How Parents Can Help: Study Habits and Test Preparation

Have you ever wondered why some students struggle in school, while other students seem to excel and do well with minimal effort? One of the hallmarks of a successful student is a parent who actively sets them up for success. A few of the ways parents can support their child in school are to set up a study space at home, helping them develop study skills and time management skills, taking a step back when needed, collaborating with teachers, and ensuring their child is getting enough sleep and proper nutrition. We’ll cover these ideas in more detail below. 

One of the important foundations for a productive student is their study space. The difference between trying to work in a busy, loud environment and a focused, distraction free space is significant. Pick a place in your home that is dedicated to study and work. Make sure the space is relatively quiet, calm, and well lit. Having a dedicated study space set means your child can jump right into studying with minimal setup and fewer distractions. 

Another way parents can set their children up for success is helping them to develop strong study skills. These skills will be important for their life after school and in the workplace. Here are some ways to encourage good study skills:

  • Encouraging regular, small study sessions rather than cramming for tests.
  • Regularly reviewing material to cement the concepts.
  • Trying out different study methods – flashcards, practice tests, summarizing, review of notes, etc.
  • Explaining how to prioritize different assignments based on due date and importance.

As a parent, it can be tempting to lead your child in each step of their education. At a certain point, it is important for parents to take a step back and let their children apply concepts on their own. Allowing children to take the lead can make them more active and engaged participants in their learning. Parents can encourage students to self assess which study habits work well for them and adjust if needed. 

A child’s education is a team effort between teachers, tutors, parents, and the child. A parent can help set their child up for success by collaboration with their child’s educators. Checking your child’s school portal regularly for upcoming test dates and assignment dates is an easy way to stay informed. If you notice your child struggling, it can be a good idea to talk to their teacher about additional resources or extra practice at home. Many issues can be fixed by some collaboration between parties.

The final way parents can help their child develop good study habits is to ensure your child is getting enough sleep each night and is eating a nutritious diet. Good sleep and proper nutrition helps your child stay focused and energized through school and after school activities. Getting a bit of physical activity every day can help your child manage any stress they may be feeling. Additionally, parents can help their kids develop a positive mindset towards school by modeling a positive attitude about learning and problem solving overall. 

Keep these actionable steps in mind as your child learns and grows throughout their time in school. While these steps may seem difficult at first, they will become second nature with time and practice. Stay involved and don’t be afraid to try a new strategy if one isn’t working or becomes outdated for the child. Your efforts will be instrumental in setting them up for success in school and beyond. 

The Gift of Tutoring

Education is a powerful gift, and a bit of extra support can make all the difference in one’s learning journey. With guidance from our tutors, students can develop better study habits, feel more in control of their learning, and even begin to enjoy subjects they once struggled with. 

One of the most crucial services a tutor can provide for your child is one-on-one, personalized instruction to supplement in-class learning. In a one-to-one setting, our tutors are able to navigate different learning styles and other obstacles that may be overlooked in traditional classroom settings. For example, working on a whiteboard alongside a tutor can help students break down complex problems, provide visual solutions to word problems, and correct errors that they may have been making. Our tutors work to better understand how students learn in order to guide how they talk through different concepts as well as personalizing study and organization tools. 

​Working with a tutor also gives your child the opportunity to improve their organization skills and independence. Students learn to identify weak spots in their curriculum throughout the week to bring to their tutor’s attention, encouraging them to take control of their learning experience to work towards greater understanding. During the session, the student chooses which assignments to prioritize and works with the tutor to maximize their time spent together.  

​Tutoring also provides a support system for students working through challenging courses and balancing extracurriculars, exams, work, and more. School can be hard and knowing that you have someone in your corner to provide help and understanding eases stress and anxiety. Our tutors celebrate the little victories and notice the harder times. Acting as a sounding board for concerns about school, advice on organization, and more, our tutors provide support to students in more ways than just homework help.

With the right support, students gain not only academic success but also essential life skills that they can use well into the future. Investing in tutoring is an investment in a child’s growth, confidence, and potential.

college tutors winter tutoring

Why Winter Is the Best Time to Start Tutoring

Discover how the winter months offer a perfect opportunity for students to get ahead.

Winter is a unique time during the school year: the fall semester is ending and the spring semester is just starting.  This makes it a great time to evaluate how your student did at the beginning of the year while still giving enough time to turn their grades around before the end of the year.  Tutors can help evaluate students’ strengths and weaknesses and have the tools and knowledge to help students improve.  Tutors working one-on-one with students can pick up on their study habits, effort levels, and understanding of key concepts to fill in the missing gaps in their instruction while helping a student balance the new assignments, projects, and finals that seem to pile up in the spring.  

Choosing to start preparation for standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, is a wise decision for students who have a good handle on their day-to-day schoolwork.  Some states and school districts provide these tests for free for public school students (usually during their junior year).  Other school districts may waive the entrance fees for their students.  Why not take advantage by working with a tutor to help maximize the opportunity?  In addition to the college entrance exams, AP tests are also administered in the spring, so getting a head start on the content for students’ AP classes will not only help them possibly test out of an entry level college course, but set them up to do well in the class itself.  Tutors who specialize in these tests know the timing and content to help your student do well.  Starting in the winter can give students a head start in preparing for the exams.

Because the spring semester is just starting or about to start, many families don’t jump at the opportunity of having a tutor work with their students.  As a result, most families wait until spring to start tutoring if their student is struggling.  Tutors may get booked up, leading to your student missing out on the help they need. By starting early, students are staying on top of the class concepts, preventing them from falling behind and scrambling to find help.

With the structure and guidance of a tutor, students can gain confidence, boost grades, and head into spring ready to succeed.

College Tutors - Get the Most out of Your Tutoring Sessions with these Tips

Get the Most out of Tutoring Sessions with these Tips

Tutoring can be very beneficial and help students get back on track, increase confidence, and achieve their academic goals. However, tutoring success depends on student engagement, commitment, and preparation. (In other words, accountability!) Here are a few tips and guidelines to help students get the most out of their tutoring sessions…

Bring Something!

Bring homework, a review sheet for a test, or even an already-graded assignment. If your tutor knows what you need to work on, you will get much more out of your session. If you have nothing to bring, at least have a topic in mind. Our tutors can find practice material for the session, but only if they know what you need to study!

Be Accountable. Put in the Work Before, During, and After Your Session

Tutoring is not a replacement for self-study, it is supplementary. Studying on your own before your session will help you to better understand your weaknesses. THis helps you to know what you don’t know, enabling you to ask productive questions and get the most out of your tutoring sessions. Actively participating during tutoring sessions is very important. Ask questions when you don’t understand something! Don’t be afraid to make a mistake in front of your tutor. Nobody is perfect. 

Your tutor understands that you don’t know everything yet. Tutors want to see where you are making mistakes so they can help you to fix them. If your tutor asks you to explain your thought process during a problem, they aren’t judging you, they just want to help. After your tutoring session is over, you should continue to apply what you have learned. Make sure to complete any homework assigned by your tutor. If you find that there is something you still don’t understand, make a note of that and ask your tutor about it at your next session. 

Define a Clear Goal for Each Tutoring Session

What is your goal for the tutoring session? Having a clear understanding of what you need to accomplish during your session is extremely helpful to you and the tutor, and helps to make the session productive. It also puts the student in the right frame of mind for the session. The goal should be clear – gaining a complete understanding of a specific topic for an upcoming assignment, prioritizing three topics that need to be reviewed before Friday’s exam, etc. THis gets back to the student taking some ownership and “putting some skin in the game,” which contributes to an overall successful tutoring engagement. 

Avoid the Fire Drill – Consider Tutoring Before the Situation Becomes an Emergency

If you or your child is beginning to struggle ina class, or even expects that they may struggle, starting regular tutoring as early as possible is a must. Starting tutoring early is an effective, proactive way to help students keep up in class and remain on-track. A late semester attempt to bring a bad grade up to an A, B, or even a C, is the equivalent of throwing a “Hail Mary,” and is very difficult. Our most successful students are the students who come in regularly over the course of an entire semester.We can help to cram for a test, but we find that your results will be much better if you have been working to understand the material – through disciplined study and tutoring – consistently throughout the semester. 

College Tutors Mindfulness: How to Increase Academic and Personal Success

Mindfulness: How to Increase Academic and Personal Success

We’ve all been there. You’re a high school student who woke up late, missed the bus, scrambled to get to class on time, and now you’re sitting in front of a math test you were once fully prepared for—only to find that everything has slipped from your mind after the chaotic morning. School and life alike are full of daily stressors that impact the way we think, feel, and act. While many of us have developed our own ways to cope with this stress as we move into adulthood, what about our kids and students? They haven’t always been taught or shown these coping skills, and unfortunately, this can lead to significant negative effects on their academics and grades. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be this way if we step back for a moment and teach them the skills of mindfulness.

A study conducted by researchers at the Boston Charter Research Collaborative—through a partnership between the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University, MIT, and Transforming Education—found that mindfulness education during an eight-week program for sixth graders had a positive impact on reducing stress levels and improving student performance. Through mindfulness training, these students were able to hone their ability to focus in the moment, which enhanced their capacity to learn and regulate their emotions. The skill of focusing in the present is one we should not overlook. The ability to remain present allows students to absorb new information more effectively and permanently. When students feel threatened or vulnerable—like many do in subjects such as math, science, or other areas they struggle with—the brain enters survival mode, focusing only on the immediate threat. For example, a freshman struggling in Algebra might be more concerned with the fear of being embarrassed in front of her peers if she is cold-called to answer a question. Instead of focusing on the lesson, she spends her time overthinking all the possible ways she could embarrass herself and avoid that situation. By the time the lesson ends, she hasn’t absorbed any of the material. Had she been equipped with the tools to regulate her emotions, she might have been able to stay present during the lesson and tackle the content with confidence, ultimately alleviating stress for future lessons.

Mindfulness can sometimes seem vague or abstract, so here are a few ways you can incorporate mindfulness into your student’s life to help them succeed.

Practice and Demonstrate at Home

Kids’ first teachers are their parents, and they continue to learn from them throughout their lives. This doesn’t stop when they go to school. A great way to encourage your student to practice mindfulness is to model it in your own life—especially when they see you facing a stressful situation. For instance, when the barista hands you your coffee without the lid fully closed and it spills all over your car, instead of reacting immediately (though I understand the urge!), try taking a few deep breaths and pausing before responding. In that moment, all you can do is pull over and clean the mess. When you’re juggling tasks like preparing dinner and asking your child about their day without focusing on either, try including them in the process so that it becomes a shared present moment. Mindfulness can be practiced in many ways, both big and small—find what feels right for you!

Encourage Study Check-Ins

When your student is studying, encourage them to pause and acknowledge how they’re feeling about the content. If they’re frustrated, help them explore why and work together to problem-solve ways to move forward. Give them space to calm their mind and body. When they feel overwhelmed, allow them a moment to simply “be” without worrying about the problem they can’t solve. Then, guide them back into problem-solving and staying focused on the task at hand. A key aspect of mindfulness in education is promoting mindful transitions. This means avoiding constant switching between subjects or assignments. When this happens, the brain can’t fully focus on either task, as it is still preoccupied with the other.

Create a Calming Study Environment and Set Mindful Goals

Create a study space that is welcoming and conducive to learning. When our surroundings are chaotic, so are our thoughts. In addition to a calming environment, encourage your student to set mindful study goals. These can be simple, like: “I will focus on reading this passage thoroughly without rushing,” or “I will work through this math problem from start to finish and check my answer after giving it a full attempt.” Working through a task fully—without constantly checking progress—allows your student to engage more deeply with the content and retain information better, both in everyday life and on test day.

The Benefits of Mindfulness in Education

Mindfulness in education offers numerous benefits: improved focus, reduced anxiety, enhanced emotional regulation, and increased self-awareness. These are invaluable skills that extend far beyond the classroom. By incorporating mindfulness into your home routines, students can develop these skills, leading to greater academic success and improved overall well-being. In turn, this creates a more balanced and effective learning environment.

College Tutors Preparing for Finals

Preparing for Finals

It’s hard to believe that finals season is already approaching! Final exams can make or break a semester, so we wanted to share some tips on how to prepare for this important time. 

  • Start Early
    • Start studying about two to three weeks before your final exams. This ensures you have enough time to gather your materials, ask questions in class, and put together a study plan. It also means you can go over the material multiple times to ensure you fully understand it.
  • Organize Your Materials
    • Organizing your materials is an important part of your study plan. Many teachers will give out study guides in the weeks before finals. You should also gather up and review your class notes, homework, and tests from the past semester. 
  • Prioritize Your Subjects
    • We recommend focusing more time on the subjects that are more challenging for you. Use feedback from your teachers to determine where you need to focus your efforts. It’s also a good idea to start with the most challenging subject and then move on to easier subjects. 
  • Break It Down
    • Breaking down your studying into smaller and more frequent events can make the task of studying for finals feel much more manageable. Try to make at least a little progress each day. You can focus on one chapter or even one concept at a time.
  • Use Active Study Techniques
    • Studying in multiple different ways and applying knowledge in different ways makes content easier to understand. Some methods include:
      • Flashcards, which are particularly useful for vocab, dates, or formulas.
      • Practice tests, to simulate real exam conditions. 
      • Summarizing Notes, to reinforce your understanding of concepts. 
  • Review Strategically
    • The night before an exam should be spent on review rather than trying to learn new concepts. You should skim your study materials one last time, then get to bed early. 

Preparing for finals is stressful for many students, but these tips should help make finals season a little bit easier. Remember, the goal isn’t perfection—it’s doing your best and learning from the process. Good luck!

Tutoring Success Story

Tutoring Success Story – A Journey to Math Confidence

A student’s success is always good to celebrate… those “light bulb” moments that spark a new attitude and path to proficiency are worth sharing. We hope you enjoy this one!

I’m Miss C, a dedicated math tutor with a profound commitment to helping students unlock their potential in Mathematics. My love for math is so strong that I pursued a bachelor’s degree in the subject, and now devote myself to guiding others to approach math with confidence and curiosity. 

Today, I’d like to share a success story that holds a special place in my heart. It’s the story of Molly, a spirited 5th grader who came to me weighed down by her struggles with math. For Molly, math wasn’t just a subject – it was a source of anxiety and frustration.

In our introductory session, Molly was enthusiastic and full of life, eagerly sharing all her favorite things with a bright smile. But the moment we transitioned into math questions, her energy dropped. She became silent, visibly frustrated, and even angry with herself. I could sense the shift immediately — the weight that math placed on her young shoulders.

Her initial responses often included outbursts of “I can’t do this” and self-criticism, or sometimes complete silence, showing that she had almost given up on herself. Despite this, I could see the potential in her, the spark that just needed the right support to flourish. My focus in those first few sessions was on building trust and creating a safe space where she could face her fears and frustrations without judgment. 

Once Molly and I built trust, we started with the basics, identifying her weaknesses through a series of diagnostic tests. This allowed me to set up a targeted skills plan, breaking down concepts into manageable steps she could connect with. Knowing she loved baking, I tried my best to relate every equation to ingredient measurements, fractions, and recipe equations, making math feel relevant to her dreams of one day becoming a baker in Paris. 

Each session became a stepping stone, and we celebrated every small victory. I made sure to acknowledge each success, reminding Molly of her progress and helping to rebuild her belief in herself. 

Consistency was key in Molly’s journey, and her parents played a crucial role, ensuring she made it to each and every session because they believed in her potential. Progress wasn’t always linear—there were bumps along the way, and it didn’t happen overnight. But with dedication, Molly’s math skills steadily strengthened. Like I always say, “math is practice, practice, practice,” and together, we made that practice something she looked forward to. 

I set small, achievable goals for Molly, encouraging her to take ownership of her learning. These goals allowed her to practice even outside our sessions, building her skills bit by bit. Week by week, I saw her become more comfortable, more determined, and more resilient. Her spark was truly reignited—she was not just catching up in math, but starting to genuinely enjoy it. 

Today, Molly is keeping up with her class—a remarkable change for the student who was once falling far behind. She’s now able to participate alongside her classmates, confidently answering questions and engaging in discussions. The confidence she’s gained hasn’t just stayed within our tutoring sessions; it’s extended into her school life and beyond. 

The subject that once filled her with dread has become something she tackles with a “can-do” spirit. Her progress is a powerful testament to what consistent support, patience, and practice can achieve. Watching her growth has shown me how impactful it is when a student believes in themselves—not only in math, but in every aspect of life. Molly’s journey is proof that with the right support, any student can overcome challenges and thrive.

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